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Hiking in switzerland

Hikes by location

Having lived in switzerland for two years in total gave me plenty of opportunities to discover the alps. I have been many places in the swiss alps, but every time i return there is more to discover. Every valley is different, as is every hike you experience. I think i could spend a lifetime in these mountains and still not be fed up with it. This map shows you the hikes we have done by location.

Useful information

For whoever goes hiking in switzerland, these apps and websites are extremely useful:

  •  SwissTopo: showing the Swiss topographic maps, hiking paths and useful features like snow height and slope inclination.
  • SRF meteo or MeteoSwiss: trust me in this, weather forecast in or close to the mountains is extremely difficult, and therefore google and apple are often wrong. These local apps show you a much more accurate forecast of the weather!
  • SchweizMobil: Shows all local, regional and national hiking, biking, skating and snowshoehiking routes.
  • SBB: Swiss train company, to purchase all your train tickets and to plan your journeys. Travelling by train in switzerland is extremely expensive, therefore having a HalbTax subscription is often cheaper if you are there for a longer amount of time. If you are under 25, the 7/25 lets you travel for free between 19.00 and 7.00, which is perfect for your weekend adventures. Alternatively interrail tickets have often saved me a lot of money on longterm travels.